  • AuthorMarc-Antoine Coulon
  • ISBN9782080203984

Paris: Fashion Flair

"Working for the biggest names in sewing and press around the world, the artist Marc-Antoine Coulon celebrates fashion and the Parisian spirit in this glamorous and evocative book, the first devoted to his work. This anthology is an irreverent and colorful walk in his 'Paris' which brings together portraits of famous and more personal people, sketches of parades and views of Parisian places that are dear to him. He captures the essence in a few ink strokes, like his unique and timeless artistic style, sensitive and insolent, assertive, immediately recognizable. Marc-Antoine Coulon draws for international magazines such as Vogue, Madame Figaro, Harper's Bazaar, Town and Country and Vanity Fair, as well as for luxury and fashion houses."--Publisher's website (viewed October 8, 2019).

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